

Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383101


Introduce student to the field of Civil Protection in order to identify with the concepts, guiding principles, mission, responsibilities, authorities, services, staff and organization. Also intends that the student knows the origins of the Civil Protection and the impact they have had that Civil Defense organizations in different global and regional conflicts. The skills to be acquired are:

  • - Characterize the national system of civil protection;
  • - Identify the components of the system;
  • - Identify the components of the Integrated Protection and Rescue Operations;
  • - Explain the principles guiding the activities of Civil Protection;
  • - Differentiate the alert situations, contingency and disaster;
  • - Know the missions, organization and competence of the agents of Civil Protection;
  • - Describe the particularity of Civil Protection at the municipal level.


  • 1. Systems to protect people and property
  • 2. Serious accident and disaster
  • 3. Objectives and fields of action
  • 4. Authorities, services and agents
  • 5. Civil Protection Committees
  • 6. Guiding principles of Civil Protection activity
  • 7. Alert Situations, contingency and disaster
  • 8. Integrated protection and rescue operations
  • 9. Emergency plans
  • 10. Operations management system
  • 11. Mission, organization and competence of staff for Civil Protection
  • 12. Civil Protection at the municipal 




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383102


The general objectives of this initial curricular unit of Math is the review of calculus in R, the analysis, characterisation and graphical representation of real functions of real variable and the introduction to differential calculus. At the end of this unit students should acquire the following mathematical skills necessary for formulating and solving problems posed in the context of the degree:

  • - Correct use of vocabulary and mathematical symbol;
  • - Correct calculation in R, namely the resolution of linear equations and systems of linear equations using matrices;
  • - Knowledge of the concepts of continuity, limits and derivatives;
  • - Application of the study of functions and their graphs to interpretation and problem solving;
  • - Application of differential calculus in the study of real functions of real variable;
  • - Interpretation and critique of the results in the context of the problem;
  • - Communication of concepts, reasoning and ideas with clarity and logical rigor.



  • - Definition and properties
  • - Operations with matrices,
  • - Elementary Operations, condensation and characteristic of an array
  • - Application of arrays in classification and solving systems of linear equations: Gauss and Jordan
  • - General information on real functions of real variable
  • - Notion of boundary (Cauchy definition and definition of Heine); lateral limits; properties and operations
  • - Continuous functions: definition, properties and extension by continuity
  • - Theorems of Bolzano, Weierstrass and the continuity of inverse function
  • - Derivative of a function: definition and geometrical physical interpretation
  • - Lateral derivatives; differentiability; derivation rules; notion of differential
  • - Theorems of Rolle, Lagrange, Cauchy
  • - Cauchy and rule indeterminations
  • - Higher-order Derivatives
  • - Monotony and extremes of functions. Scoops and inflection points. Asymptotes
  • - Representation of the graph of a function




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383103


The course of Chemistry has 4 objectives:

  • 1- to provide relevant information from chemical point of view on aspects related to the area of specialization.
  • 2- to provide comprehensive knowledge about some fundamental concepts in chemistry.
  • 3- to encourage the use of new technologies for learning.
  • 4- to allow direct contact with reagents, laboratory techniques and instrumentation.

The student should develop the following skills:

  • 1- understand the constitution of matter and the relationship between the structure of matter and its properties.
  • 2- dominate the calculations leading to the preparation of solutions and calculations of chemical and acid-base equilibrium.
  • 3- dominate the specific concepts addressed in the course.
  • 4- understand and use the relationship between research / experience / observation and knowledge.
  • 5- report and explain experimental results reporting to modern techniques and theoretical aspects discussed.


1. Matter at the microscopic level

  • 1.1. atomic theory of matter
  • 1.2. atomic structure of atoms

2. molecules, ions and solutions

  • 2.1. concept of molecule, ion and ionic compound
  • 2.2. concept of mole and molar mass
  • 2.3. solutions and concentration units
  • 2.4. preparation of solutions and mixtures

3. chemical equilibrium

  • 3.1. writing and balancing chemical reactions
  • 3.2. incomplete reactions. Notion of limiting reagent and reaction yield
  • 3.3. definition and calculation of the equilibrium constant, problems involving the equilibrium constant

4. acid-base equilibrium

  • 4.1. concept of acid and base
  • 4.2. concept of pH and pOH and determination the pH of the solutions
  • 4.3. acid-base titrations. Indicators. Solving problems involving titration curves

5. oxidation-reduction equilibrium

  • 5.1. oxidation reduction concept
  • 5.2. oxidizing and reducing substances
  • 5.3. electrolysis

6. organic chemistry

  • 6.1 carbon and the covalent bond
  • 6.2. structure of organic molecules
  • 6.3. functional groups
  • 6.4. electronic effects
  • 6.5. types of organic reactions
  • 6.6. mechanism of reaction: homolytic and heterolytic reactions
  • 6.7. nomenclature, structure, physical properties and reactivity of alkanes and cycloalkanes, alkenes and alkines, alcohols and phenols, ethers, amines and aldehydes and ketones




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383107


The curricular unit of Computing 1 aims at the main skills needed to the manipulation of information and communication technologies in a professional context, explaining the principal knowledge and techniques necessary for an efficient and effective use of these technologies.

At the end of the curricular unit the student should be able to produce the digital documents needed in various units across the course and in their professional lives. To this end, emphasis is given to independent and assertive use of information technologies to produce contents in digital form in particular:

  • - advanced use of document editor - MS-WORD
  • - advanced use of a spreadsheet - MS-EXCEL
  • - the use of a Database Management System - MS-ACCESS


1. Introduction to information technology

  • 1.1. Hardware concepts
  • 1.2. storage formats

2. Software for the production of documents - MS-WORD

  • 2.1. pages setup
  • 2.2. sections
  • 2.3. styles
  • 2.4. images, graphics and other objects
  • 2.5. tables
  • 2.6. symbols, equations
  • 2.7. references
  • 2.8. automatic indexes
  • 2.9. mail merge

3. Spreadsheet application - MS-EXCEL

  • 3.1. calculation with Excel. Functions
  • 3.2. mathematical and statistical use
  • 3.3. charts in EXCEL
  • 3.4. validation and data protection
  • 3.5. integration with WORD

4. Database management software - ACCESS

  • 4.1. Relational database model
  • 4.2. tables and relations
  • 4.3. queries
  • 4.4. forms
  • 4.5. reports




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383105


Assume the phenomena responsible for geological hazards and their effects on people, property and environment. Covers Various topics related to prevention policies, scenarios, and emergency management in terms of expected impacts. The student should acquire knowledge in the field of ​​geological risks, the main impacts on people, property and the environment, monitoring procedures, policies for prevention and mitigation of risk.


1. Introduction

  • 1.1. Living with danger
  • 1.2. The role of geology
  • 1.3. Relationship between risks and human life

2. The planet Earth

  • 2.1. The Solar System
  • 2.1.1. Origin of Solar System
  • 2.1.2. The Earth: biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere; plate tectonics
  • 2.1.3. Relationship between the Earth and life: life on Earth; sustainable development
  • 2.2. Systems and cycles
  • 2.2.1. System Concept
  • 2.2.2. Dynamic integration between systems: cycles and recycling; cycles in the terrestrial system
  • 2.2.3. The energy cycle
  • 2.2.4. The hydrological cycle
  • 2.2.5. Biogeochemical cycles
  • 2.2.6. The rock cycle:  transfers of heat in the Earth; plate tectonics and the Earth's outer structure; the three families of rocks; rocks in the crust; rock cycles and circuits.
  • 2.2.7. Geodynamics internal and external

3. The structure of the Earth and materials

  • 3.1. Composition of the Earth
  • 3.2. The interior and exterior of the Earth
  • 3.3. Minerals: chemical elements and compounds; definition of mineral; the most common minerals; minerals as indicators of environmental
  • 3.4. Rocks: description of rocks
  • 3.5. Alteration of rocks

4. Dangerous Geological processes

  • 4.1. Types of Hazard (hazardous)
  • 4.1.1. Primary effects, secondary and tertiary
  • 4.1.2. Vulnerability and susceptibility
  • 4.1.3. Risk, hazard and vulnerability
  • 4.1.4. Monitoring systems of warning and alert
  • 4.2. Earthquakes
  • 4.2.1. Causes of earthquakes: faults and fractures; seismic mechanisms
  • 4.2.2. Characterization of earthquakes: seismographs, seismic waves, focus and epicenter, magnitude, intensity
  • 4.2.3. Seismic hazards and risks
  • 4.2.4. Hazards associated with earthquakes
  • 4.2.5. Prediction and control of earthquakes: distribution of earthquakes on a global scale: seismicity and plate tectonics; approaches to earthquakes prediction; controlling earthquakes
  • 4.2.6. Seismicity in Portugal
  • 4.2.7. Seismic prevention and emergency management
  • 4.3. Volcanism
  • 4.3.1. Volcanoes and magmas: characteristics of magmas
  • 4.3.2. Volcanic eruptions: factors influencing the different types of eruption; eruptions are not explosive; explosive blasts.
  • 4.3.3. Volcanic landscapes
  • 4.3.4. Volcanoes and plate tectonics: global distribution of volcanism
  • 4.3.5. Hazard (hazard) volcanic: primary effects of volcanism; secondary and tertiary effects of volcanism
  • 4.3.6. Beneficial aspects of volcanism
  • 4.3.7. Forecasting Eruption, monitoring
  • 4.3.8. Volcanic risk in Portugal and emergency management
  • 4.4. Tsunami
  • 4.4.1. What is a tsunami: the physical characteristics of a tsunami
  • 4.4.2. How are tsunamis: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, underwater explosions, tsunamis in lakes, bays and reservoirs
  • 4.4.3. Mitigation Risk and danger: danger of tsunami, forecasting and warning systems and alert
  • 4.4.4. Tsunamis in Portugal
  • 4.4.5. Preventive measures against the danger of tsunamis
  • 4.4.6. Prevention, early warning systems and alert, emergency management
  • 4.5. Slope instability and mass movements
  • 4.5.1. Instability of slopes and human impacts
  • 4.5.2. Types of mass movements: the instability of slopes; fluences; mass movements in cold climates; mass submarine mass movements
  • 4.5.3. Factors that influence the stability of slopes
  • 4.5.4. Dangerousness and risk of slope movements
  • 4.5.5. Prevention, early warning systems and alert, emergency management
  • 4.6. Subsidence
  • 4.6.1. Surface subsidence and collapse
  • 4.6.2. Dissolution of calcium carbonate and karst topography
  • 4.6.3. Mining and mine collapse
  • 4.6.4. Subsidence related to fluid circulation
  • 4.6.5. Other causes of Subsidence
  • 4.6.6. Sinking cities
  • 4.7. Meteorites
  • 4.7.1. Meteorite composition and classification
  • 4.7.2. Meteorite Origin
  • 4.7.3. Impacts and extinctions
  • 4.8. Practical Exercises
  • 4.8.1. Development of topographic profiles
  • 4.8.2. Introduction to geological mapping, visualization, interpretation and summary geological maps
  • 4.8.3 Estimates of structural and human impacts in terms of scenarios




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383104


This subject has 3 objectives:

  • - to guarantee the indispensable basic knowledge in the areas of vocabulary and structure of the English language.
  • - to supply specific vocabulary related to the area of studies.
  • - to provide knowledge on the grammar structures and sentences relevant for the future professional area.
  • The student should develop the following skills:
  • - participating by listening and speaking, in dialogues typical of his/her future professional area.
  • - understanding technical texts of his/her area of studies.
  • - writing texts on typical situations of his/her professional area.


1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary relevant for the specific area of Civil Protection, acquired in the study of real texts and talks on various pertinent topics, namely:

  • - Earthquakes
  • - Floods
  • - Extreme weather
  • - Fire fighting
  • - Terrorism and major accidents in public places
  • - Refugees and internally displaced persons
  • - Civil Protection in the EU

2. Language Structure/Functions

Relevant grammar structures and linguistic patterns determined by the tasks of reading, listening, speaking, writing and reflecting on professional area topics, which will necessarily include:

  • - Interrogative sentences
  • - Present, past and future tenses
  • - Conditional tenses
  • - Reported speech
  • - Passive voice




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383106


To know the contemporary world system, analyzing the dynamics of globalization.

Study the demographic and economic implications at the global level as vectors for migration, refugees, conflicts and climate change. Know the Portuguese reality, especially in the processes related to migration, rural exodus and urban-rural and coastal-interior dichotomies.

Understand the importance of spatial planning in planning and risk management policies.

The student should acquire analytical and reflective skills that enable him/her to be a promoter of the change and to enable it in a process of collaborative citizenship.


1. Demographic and economic implications

  • 1.1. Globalization: stages of globalization. Scenarios for the near future.
  • 1.2. Reinforcing globalization. World System. National and Transnational Relations.
  • 1.3. World system. The new spatial dynamics.

2. The World and Portuguese demographic and economic reality

  • 2.1. Analysis of the world and Portuguese demographic evolution.
  • 2.2. Convergent and diverging spaces. Symmetries and Dominant asymmetries.
  • 2.3. Interconnection between demographic and political weight. The national migratory phenomenon.

3. Social and economic development. Risk from a geographical perspective

  • 3.1. Social and economic development: risk study
  • 3.2. Portugal within the framework of European regional policies.
  • 3.3. Variables and indicators of Vulnerability and Disaster Risk.




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383109


This second curricular unit of mathematics is the natural continuity of the UC Mathematics I, starting with the primitive and integral concepts in R. It follows an introduction to differential equations, in order to initiate the student in Mathematical modelling, forcing both the use and application of the concepts of differential and integral calculus. Finally, some numerical methods of solving problems are introduced, like numerical integration. At the end of this unit students should acquire the following skills:

  • - Correct use of Maths specific vocabulary and symbology
  • - Determine immediate and almost immediate primitives and apply the techniques of primitives by parts and associated with rational fractions
  • - Domain integral calculus in R
  • - Solve linear differential equations
  • - Construct linear, exponential and logistic mathematical models
  • - Apply numerical methods in solving problems
  • - Interpretation and critique of the results in the context of the problem
  • - Application of differential calculus in the study of real functions of real variable;
  • - Interpretation and critique of the results in the context of the problem;
  • - Communication of concepts, reasoning and ideas with clarity and logical rigor.



  • Notion of Primitive or Indefinite Integral. Immediate and almost immediate primitives.
  • Primitive of rational functions are unfit. Initial value problems.
  • Definite integral: definition, geometrical interpretation, Barrow formula.
  • By parts method of primitive and integration.
  • Applications of Integral Calculus: Calculation of mean value, flat areas, volumes of solids of revolution.


  • Ordinary differential equations (ODE): classification, resolution of ODE of separable variables.
  • Modeling problems.
  • Resolution of ODE by method of integral factor.
  • Second degree ODE.


  • Solving nonlinear equations.
  • Polynomial interpolation.
  • Numerical integration.
  • Numerical solving of ODE.




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383110


The Introduction to Information Technology II curricular unit deals with the main competences that allow an integrated view of the principles and technologies of the area, providing students with the knowledge of the use and application of the most appropriate and current tools and techniques in the area of GIS, for solving geospatial problems from different perspectives.

At the end of the course unit the student should be able to:

  • - Master the specific vocabulary;
  • - Know the main coordinate systems used in national cartography;
  • - Master the techniques of acquisition and representation of spatial data;
  • - Build and provide thematic maps;
  • - Master the processes and tools for storage and management of spatial data, spatial analysis and geographic modelling;
  • - Collaborate in the development of innovative solutions applicable to energy, environmental and territory management;
  • - Apply techniques of availability and access to information of a spatial nature.


1. Introduction to geographic information systems

  • a. The Cartographic Overview
  • b. Coordinate Systems

2. Implementation of a GIS

3. Geographic Information Systems (QGIS software Version 3)

  • a. Download and customizing the Tool
  • b. Spatial Analysis: select
  • i. Spatial Analysis Overview
  • ii. Attribute Selection
  • iii. Attribute Analysis
  • iv. Spatial location selection
  • c. Space Analysis: join
  • i. Union by attributes
  • ii. Join by spatial location
  • d. Space Analysis: create
  • i. Intersection
  • ii. Merge and Add
  • iii. Cut and Difference
  • iv. Buffer
  • v. Separate Vector Layers
  • vi. Join Vector Layers
  • vii. Statistic
  • e. Create New Layers
  • i. Create layers of different geometries
  • ii. Digitization (vectorization)
  • iii. Scanning Tools
  • iv. Export Information to New Layers
  • v. Create fields and update table
  • vi. Import coordinate files
  • f. Symbology and Composers




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383111


Chemistry II has four goals: 1) Provide relevant information from a chemical standpoint on practical aspects related with the area of expertise; 2) Provide a wide-range view on fundamental chemical concepts; 3) Enhance the use of new technological learning tools; 4) Allow direct contact with reagents, techniques, and laboratory instruments.

The student should develop the following skills: 1) Deepen the understanding of matter constitution and the relationship between structure and properties; 2) Understand reaction aspects of chemical transformations; 3) Master gas laws and their use in the calculation of properties; 4) Recognize and make use of the relationships between research/experiment/observation and knowledge; 5) Communicate and explain experimental results using modern techniques and the theoretical concepts thought.  


1. Chemical Elements

  • - Orbital and electronic atom configuration
  • - Development, organization and systematization of the periodic table
  • - Periodic variation of element properties

2. Chemical Bonding

  • - Lewis notation. Chemical bond and octet rule
  • - Molecular geometry
  • - Polarity and electronegativity

3. Intermolecular Forces and Physical Properties of Matter

  • - Intermolecular forces
  • - Prediction of physical properties as a function of intermolecular forces. Miscibility

4. Gas State

  • - Pressure, ideal and real gases

5. Chemical Thermodynamics

  • - Enthalpy and entropy
  • - Thermochemistry. Heat of reaction, combustion, and explosions

6. Chemical kinetics

  • - Chemical kinetics, reaction rate, rate law
  • - Reactions Mechanism. Catalysis

7. Polymers




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383114


This curricular unit aims to enable students to acquire basic knowledge about environmental problems in Portugal and the world and on possible responses to these problems and to develop the ability to integrate environmental issues in land planning and civil protection.

The course aims to meet the needs of multidisciplinary training in the environmental area, sensitizing students to the major problems facing this area and its relationship with the civil protection activities: introduction to environmental issues, including climate change and extreme weather events; the loss of biodiversity, pollution of air, water and soil and the production and waste management.

Discussion of sustainability of energy resources and materials.


1. Curricular Unit Framework

  • 1.1. Basic concepts and definitions
  • 1.2.Identification of major environmental problems at global, regional and national: Climate change; Desertification; Biodiversity and species extinction; Water pollution; Air pollution; Waste; Soil contamination; Sustainable production and consumption.

2. Sustainable Development

  • 2.1. Concept and definition
  • 2.2. Major international, national and Community Environment
  • 2.3. Law on the Environment
  • 2.4. Top environmental legislation

3. Climate Change

4. Quality and Air Pollution

5. Quality and Water Pollution

6. Waste Management

7. Industrial Accidents involving Hazardous Substances

8. Environmental Management Systems




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383112


The curricular unit of Physics I aims to provide the students with tools for the scientific approach to a problem and simultaneously provide knowledge of the basic laws of Newtonian mechanics. The unit is projected to have continuity in the Physics II curricular unit, to be taught the following semester, which will continue the study of Newtonian mechanics for linear motion.

At the end of the contact time the students would have acquired sufficient knowledge and practice in order to examine and evaluate, according with the principles and laws of physics, situations that may occur in their daily lives.

When they have completed the curricular unit, students should be able to understand the concepts and physical principles learnt, meaning by understanding not only being able to articulate the concepts but also to be able to apply them to a variety of practical problems.


1. Introduction to Physics

2. Physics quantities

  • 2.1. Fundamental and derived quantities
  • 2.2. The international system
  • 2.3. Significant figures

3. Kinematics of Material point

  • 3.1. Kinematics in one dimension:
  • 3.1.1. Concepts
  • 3.1.2. Graphical analysis
  • 3.1.3. Uniformly accelerated motion
  • 3.1.4. Motion with Variable acceleration
  • 3.2. Kinematics of 2 and 3 dimensions:
  • 3.2.1. Concepts
  • 3.2.2. Relative speed
  • 3.2.3. Curvilinear motion
  • 3.2.4. Motion Projectiles
  • 3.2.5. Circular motion

4. Newton's laws

  • 4.1. Newton's laws
  • 4.2. Forces on Nature
  • 4.2.1. Fundamental forces
  • 4.2.2. Elastic forces
  • 4.2.3. Tensions
  • 4.2.4. Normal force
  • 4.3. Force diagrams
  • 4.4. Friction forces
  • 4.5. Centripetal forces
  • 4.6. Drag forces

5. Energy conservation

  • 5.1. Work
  • 5.2. Work-kinetic energy theorem
  • 5.3. Potential energy
  • 5.4. Conservation of mechanical energy
  • 5.5. Energy conservation

6. Conservation of quantity of linear motion

  • 6.1. center of mass
  • 6.2. Conservation of linear momentum
  • 6.3. Kinetic energy of a system
  • 6.4. Collisions




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383113


With this curricular unit (CU) students should get fluent in descriptive, analytical and inferential statistical analysis, using hypothesis testing (parametric and non-parametric) in decision support and developing critical sense in the analysis of the results obtained. This CU also aims at illustrating the most important concepts about Probability, Combinatory and Reliability.

At the end of this CU students should have the following skills:

  • - determine the probability of an event
  • - identify and select a sample of a given population
  • - develop the capacity of processing and data analysis
  • - critically apply statistical methods in different contexts
  • - formulate and test hypotheses, choosing the most appropriate hypothesis testing to decision-making
  • - use a statistical computer tool
  • - critically analysis indicators and statistical parameters
  • - compare different approaches


1 Probability

  • - Introduction and basics
  • - Definition of probability
  • - conditional probability
  • - Bayes Theorem

2 Random Variables

  • - Definition of random variable
  • - Discrete Probability Distributions
  • - Continuous Probability Distributions
  • - Mean or expected value of a Random Variable
  • - Variance and Standard Deviation of a Random Variable

3 Discrete Distributions

  • - Parameterization of Distributions
  • - Binomial distribution
  • - Poisson distribution

4 Continuous Distributions

  • - Normal distribution
  • - Other Distributions

5 Descriptive Statistics

  • - Data Organization
  • - Descriptive measures

6 Linear Regression

7 Estimation

8 Hypothesis Testing

  • - Parametric tests
  • - Non-Parametric tests

9 Excel applications in Descriptive and Inferential Statistics




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
1st Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383115


The course aims to introduce basic concepts as regards civil protection international cooperation, namely, bilateral and multilateral cooperation, as well as to present real cases related to international mutual assistance in case of emergency.

At the end of the semester, students shall be able to identify the different systems of international cooperation, and to have a thorough understanding of international mechanisms of civil protection, both in terms of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. They shall still be able to identify the different types of international assistance in emergency situations.


1. Framework – international civil protection – historic overview

2. Multilateral Cooperation- Systems, organizations and instruments,

  • a. Europea Union (EU)
  • i. Community Mechanism for Civil Protection
  • ii. Working groups
  • iii. Projects
  • b. United Nations (UN)
  • c. OTAN (NATO)
  • d. Council of Europe (CdE)
  • f. International Organization of Civil Defence (IOCD)

3. Bilateral Cooperation

  • a. Bilateral agreements (objectives, scope, missions)
  • b. Case study: Portugal-Spain

4. International Assistance

  • a. Worldwide Civil Protection International Assistance




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383116


The discipline of Physics II aims to provide students with tools for the scientific approach to a problem and at the same time to teach the concepts of applied Solids and Fluids Mechanics as well as Thermodynamics. The unit is designed to be a continuation of Physics l taught in the previous semester, which was an introduction to the study of physics with the foundations of mechanics.

At the end of the contact time the students should have sufficient knowledge and practice in order to examine and evaluate situations that occur in their daily lives, according to the principles and laws of physics.

When they have completed the curricular unit, students should be able to understand the concepts and physical principles taught, meaning by understanding not only being able to articulate them but also to be able to apply them to a variety of practical problems.


1. Rotation

  • 1.1 Angular Kinematics
  • 1.2. Moment of inertia
  • 1.3. Newton's second law
  • 1.4 Angular momentum
  • 1.5 Torque

2. Static Equilibrium

  • 2.1 Equilibrium
  • 2.2 Elasticity
  • 2.3 Flexibility
  • 2.4 Torsion
  • 2.5 Compressibility

3. Fluids Static

  • 3.1 Pressure
  • 3.2 Pascal's principle
  • 3.3 Boyle-Mariotte's Law
  • 3.4 Archimedean Principle
  • 3.5 Compressibility

4 Fluids Dynamic

  • 4.1 Steady flow
  • 4.2 Bernoulli's Theorem
  • 4.3 Torricelli's Theorem
  • 4.4 Viscosity
  • 4.5 Flow Regimes

5. Intermolecular Forces

  • 5.1 Intermolecular forces
  • 5.2 Surface tension
  • 5.3 Capillarity

6. Kinetic Theory of Gases

  • 6.1 Thermal equilibrium
  • 6.2 Absolute scale
  • 6.3 Kinetic theory

7. First Law of Thermodynamics

  • 7.1 Thermal Capacity
  • 7.2 Change of Phase
  • 7.3 Work and the PV diagram

8. Second Law of Thermodynamics

  • 8.1 Thermal Machines
  • 8.2 Coolers
  • 8.3 Thermal Pumps

9. Thermal Process

  • 9.1 thermal expansion
  • 9.2 Phase diagrams
  • 9.3 Heat transfer




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383117


  • 1. Identify the topics of an Exercise Program / Campaign (PE / CE);
  • 2. Identify the five main steps of an exercise design;
  • 3. Describe the organization of an exercise planning team;
  • 4. Describe the organization of an exercise conducting team;
  • 5. Define the purpose of the four documents of an exercise;
  • 6. Develop an Exercise;
  • 7. Distinguish Operational from Exercise Discussion Exercises
  • 8. Describe the characteristics and ways of facilitating an Orientation Exercise;
  • 9. Describe the characteristics and ways of facilitating a Drill;
  • 10. Describe the characteristics and ways of facilitating an Decision Exercise;
  • 11. Describe the purpose and characteristics of a Functional Exercise;
  • 12. Describe the global requirements and the participants roles, in a Functional Exercise;
  • 13. Describe the purpose, characteristics of a full scale exercise;
  • 14. Describe the global requirements and the participants roles, in a Full Scale Exercise;
  • 15. Explain the differences between a Functional Exercise and an Full Scale Exercise;
  • 16. Describe the need for a Systemic Approach to the Exercise Evaluation:
  • 17. Identify and explain the Exercise Evaluation process task;
  • 18. Define the purpose and sources of the “Exercise Enhancement”;
  • 19. Recognize the different types of exercises meetings importance in a Exercise Cycle;
  • 20. Outline the steps for prepare the different Exercise reports;
  • 21. Describe the benefits of a corrective measure implementation.


  • 1. Exercise Program / Campaign
  • 2. Exercises Design
  • 3. Exercise Development
  • 4. Orientation exercise
  • 5. Drill
  • 6. Decision Exercise
  • 7. Functional Exercise
  • 8. Full Scale Exercise
  • 9. Exercise Evaluation
  • 10. Exercise enhancement
  • 11. Conclusions
  • 12. Practical Exercises (in the classroom)




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383118


The course of Water Resources covers fundamental concepts in the training of students in the area of ​​hydrological risks. This course covers topics related to the study of the management, operation and sustainability of Portuguese water resources, and in this context promotes social and environmental awareness and responsibility.

Students must:

  • - Learn to position as a future agent of civil protection within the national water systems, serving as interlocutor between the water managers (and their management options) and technical civil protection (and the actions of prevention and intervention);
  • - Internalize the principles of linking water resources to support basic sciences (hydrology, hydraulics, meteorology, geology, statistics, chemistry) in order to mobilize them permanently in the assessments of the status of hydrological risk situations, acting preventively;
  • - Have ideas about the implications of the diverse uses of water resources exploitation and its degree of sustainability, and thus develop attitudes and values ​​of social and environmental responsibility;
  • - Use knowledge of water resources to mitigate excesses alarmism in populations caused by news reported, for example, by the press on extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts) or pollution accidents (in surface water or groundwater)


1. Introductions to Water Resources

2. Key issues and concept of sustainability

3. Hydrology - General Concepts

4. Hydrological Cycle and Watershed

5. The importance of Metrology

6. Surface water and groundwater

7. Basic parameters

  • 7.1. Rainfall
  • 7.2. Evapotranspiration
  • 7.3. Runoff - Modules

8. Natural and anthropogenically modified regimes

9. Curves of Average annual average daily flow

10. Rainfall Extreme - checking the degree of exceptionality

11. Floods - notions of drainage and verification of scaling hydraulic passages

12. Droughts - scarcity - climate change




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383119


This Mathematics curricular unit (CU) aims to obtain the fundamental knowledge of differential and integral multivariable calculus, understood as skills necessary to formulate and solve problems in the scope of engineering.

  • - Correct use of vocabulary and mathematical symbology;
  • - Correct domain of calculation of determinants and their properties;
  • - Domain in the calculation of values and proper vectors of a matrix and its applications;
  • - Correct domain of the calculation in R, namely the differential and integral calculus;
  • - Interpretation and critique of the results in the context of the problem;
  • - Communication of concepts, reasoning and ideas with clarity and logical rigor.


1- Determinants

  • 1.1. Definition, calculation and properties of the determinant
  • 1.2. Principal determinant method. Laplace's theorem.
  • 1.3. Calculation of the inverse matrix from the attached one.
  • 1.4. Rule of Cramer, Rouché Theorem

2. Values and eigenvectors of an endomorphism

  • 2.1. Definition
  • 2.2. Characteristic polynomial
  • 2.3. Calculation of the values and eigenvectors of a matrix
  • 2.4. Diagonalization

3. Differential calculation in R

  • 3.1. Introduction to R
  • 3.2. Scalar, partial derivatives, directional and gradient fields
  • 3.3. Hessian matrix and stationarity points

4. Integrals in R

  • 4.1. Representation, parameterization and domain of scalar fields
  • 4.2. Double integrals of scalar fields. Fubini's theorem
  • 4.3. Change of limits of integration and of variable in double integrals
  • 4.4 Triple integrals of scalar fields




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383120


“Climate and Extreme Events” is a curricular unit of the 1st semester of the 2nd year from the Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Protection and which program reflects the areas of Meteorology and Climate that will be addressed in this course. As for the operating structure of operation, it has a duration of 60h with 4h weekly (2h on Tuesday and 2h on Wednesday). The final evaluation is based on the works prepared by the students and on the final test to be held in the week before the end of the 1st semester.

This course, begins by presenting the basics of Meteorology, demonstrating the necessity of Meteorological Observation, referring to the various types of observation of the existing atmosphere and discuss the numerical forecast models as well as some general concepts of Climate and climate change . However, given the proposed target most of the course will be focused on the weather watch and its importance in the field of civil protection for the prevention and management of natural disasters. The practical component is focused more on the analysis of charts, identification of synoptic situations typical of severe weather and elaboration of weather forecasts.


The discipline of Climate and Extreme events aims to provide concepts about weather that allows students to understand how to observe and predict the weather and how to interpret weather information in order to improve their skills in the area of ​​Civil Protection in relation to the weather phenomena. , especially in extreme weather conditions. As the actions undertaken by the Civil Protection depend on a timely and correct knowledge of the weather situation this course aims to enable students to correctly interpretation the weather situation, a proper diagnosis of the atmosphere the phenomena that are taking place and predict its evolution in the short and medium term. It is thus intended that the student at the end of the semester aims to be able to properly prepare a weather forecast at different spatial and temporal scales based on different meteorological products, namely from the numerical weather forecast models and to be able to identify risk situations and may have impact on the population and / or goods.




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383121


The consideration of natural and technological hazards in the planning and land management is fundamental to the promotion of the safety of persons and property.

Develop professional capacity within the planning versus civil protection, paying particular attention to safety of people, goods and environment in a sustainability perspective.


1. Introduction - Land Planning and Civil Protection

2. History of regional planning

3. Basic concepts in planning

  • 3.1. spatial Planning
  • 3.2. planning, prevention mitigation and emergency
  • 3.3. law of the environment, spatial planning and civil protection
  • 3.4. Environment
  • 3.5. environment - land planning
  • 3.6. other specific notions

4. Planning processes

  • 4.1. fundamental aspect and methodological approaches in a planning process
  • 4.2. phases of a planning process

5. Instruments of Spatial Planning

  • 5.1. National Plans
  • 5.2. Sector Plans
  • 5.3. land management plans
  • 5.4. water resources plans
  • 5.5. REN
  • 5.6. RAN
  • 5.7. Easements
  • 5.8. EIA, EIA, DIA
  • 5.9. strategic environmental assessment

6. Fundamentals variables in planning

  • 6.1. natural biophysical variables: topography, climate, geology, lithology, geomorphology, soils, water resources, biological resources
  • 6.2. anthropogenic biophysical variables: land use, landscape, heritage - natural resources, physical quality of the environment
  • 6.3. natural hazards and land: floods and flash floods, forest fires, earthquakes, landslides, liquefaction, expansive soils, volcanism, subsidence, tsunamis
  • 6.4. technological risks and spatial planning: industrial establishments, transport of hazardous materials, gas and oil pipelines, radiation
  • 6.5. socioeconomic variables: population, housing, equipment, economic activities

7. Analysis land planning plans in the Perfective of Civil Protection

  • 7.1. municipal plans, plant conditions, regulation
  • 7.2. analysis and opinions of PMOT
  • 7.3. municipal services of civil protection and PMOT
  • 7.4. legal instruments  of land management - DL 316/2007
  • 7.5. law 65/2007 (municipal services of civil protection) and spatial planning

8. Strategies to adapt to climate change, land management and security of person and property

9. International Strategy for disaster reduction and spatial planning




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383122


  • - Distinguish the concepts related to Management Risk Process;
  • - Identify the different factors that affect risk perception;
  • - Recognize risk communication main strategies and their effect to risk perception;
  • - Apply hazard identification techniques in the context of Emergency Planning;
  • - Analyze and assess collective risks using different techniques and methodologies, as risk matrixes, risk index and describe tolerance standards;
  • - Develop accident scenarios using different methodologies that establish the connection between initiation events and potential accidents that may occur;
  • - Methodological and theoretical domain regarding identification, characterization and management questions of natural, technological and combined risks, in order to understand and dominate the risk management in his different phases.


1. Discipline presentation

  • - Basic concepts and definitions
  • - Main regulation
  • - Case studies

2. Risk Management

  • - Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability
  • - Risk representation
  • - Risk management steps
  • - Risk tolerance criteria

3. Risk Perception and Communication

  • - Hazards and their characterization
  • - Consequences
  • - Risk acceptance
  • - Risk acceptance input factors
  • - Risk measurement
  • - Risk expression
  • - Compared risk
  • - Risk perception
  • - Risk perception input factors

4. Risk Analysis Process

  • - Risk analysis steps
  • - Hazard identification and characterization
  • - Hazard identification sources
  • - Risk Analysis – Common methods
  • - Risk matrices. Likelihood and severity scales

5. Consequence Assessment

  • - Effects models
  • - Scenario effects graphical representation. Risk maps
  • - Consequence assessment




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383125


This discipline aims to give the students the necessary knowledge in order to carry on practices of technological hazard identification and man-made risk characterization to use within Civil Protection activities, namely planning, preparation and response.

The discipline pretends to give the students the basis for further knowledge acquisition regarding technological risks throughout:

  • - Identification and characterization of substances, its effects on the human body and environment and the phenomena associated with the presence of hazardous substances;
  • - Risk characterization and other fundamental aspects related with radiological emergencies and with the transport of dangerous goods;
  • - Discussion of the legal framework related with the industrial sites that may be involved in major technological accidents.


  1. Organization of Construction Companies.
  2. Types of societies. Construction industry in Portugal and in the European Union. Rules of access and permanence in the activity.
  3. Classification, forms of execution and phases of works.
  4. Projects. Measurements. Estimate and Budget. Proposal elaboration. Contests. Evaluation of proposals. Adjudication and Consignment.
  5. Planning of the works: term, personnel loads and costs.
  6. Organization and preparation of the work.
  7. Organization of the yard. Shipyard Plant and Descriptive Memory.
  8. Construction equipment.
  9. Cost control. Monthly maps.
  10. Supervision. Measuring cars. Provisional and Definitive Reception.
  11. Construction Warranty. Technical Compilation.




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383123


The discipline of Seismic Risk has as main objective the identification of the main risks associated with the occurrence of earthquakes, your meaning, value and consequences to human scale. Briefly studied the mechanisms that cause earthquakes, the propagation of waves and the effects of soils. Then, it is studied the behavior of buildings (essentially the buildings) to the seismic action and the main parameters that influence this behavior. We discuss how to calculate the seismic risk and introduces the concept of "Seismic Simulator". Finally, it is intended that the students understand the various ways to mitigate the effects of earthquakes.


  • 1. Review of the main basic concepts about Seismology and Seismicity
  • 2. The effects of earthquakes on the natural and built structures
  • 3. Portugal Seismicity, Mainland and Azores
  • 4. General principles about the behavior of the structures under the action of earthquakes
  • 5. Main constructive typologies that exist in the housing stock and your behavior seismic
  • 6. Vulnerability and damage of the housing, industrial parks and networks and critical infrastructure
  • 7. Determination of effect of earthquakes on buildings : actions simulators
  • 8. Seismic mitigation (in planning, in relief, on damage assessment, reconstruction)
  • 9. Development of techniques of containment structures (support, reinforcement, etc.)




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383126


The discipline of Operational Research intends to endow the students for the resolution of complex problems of the real life in the most several areas, identifying components that can be formulated as models or associations of models, of among the vast repertoire of tools that integrate the domain of the operational investigation and to use software in the resolution of some problems.   For such the contents will be exposed following a method of exposition. Besides the algebraic resolution of the exercises proposed in the classes, the realization of will of computational is foreseen, using appropriate software. It will be presented to the student problems/work that must solve by him. Qualify the students for the acquisition of knowledge that enables it to identify problems of several areas that can be placed, and to place them under the mathematical formulation of the lineal programming. Use techniques to solve these problems, in a graphical way or through the Simplex Method and its variants. Know how to analyze the results within the sensibility and to do reoptimization using matrices methods, the duality concept and by means of reading of output of EXCEL and Qm for Windons. Identify transport problems and of assignment, using the correct procedures to solve them.


1. Introduction to Operations Research

  • 1.1. Mathematics formulation and optimization
  • 1.2. Methodology of IO

2. Linear Programming (PL)

  • 2.1. introduction 
  • 2.2. Formulation and Graphical Method
  • 2.3. Glossary and Properties 
  • 2.4. Graphical Solution to a linear programming problems
  • 2.5. Special Cases in PL

3. Simplex Algorithm

  • 3.1. Introduction 
  • 3.2. Canonical Form and Acceptable Basic Solutions 
  • 3.3. Simplex algorithm

4. Sensitivity Analysis

  • 4.1. Economical interpretation; Shadow Price. 
  • 4.2. Changes in the resources
  • 4.3. Changes in the objective function coefficient
  • 4.4. introduction of new variables 
  • 4.5. introduction of new restrictions

5. Transportation and Assignment Models

  • 5.1.  introduction 
  • 5.2. Transportation problem
  • 5.3. Assignment problem
  • 5.4. Solving Problems using Qm for Windons

6. Network Models

  • 6.1. concept of Network
  • 6.2. Shortest-Route Technique
  • 6.3. Minimal-Spanning Tree Technique
  • 6.4. Maximal-Flow Technique




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
2nd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383127


This discipline aims to enable students to acquire basic knowledge on the subject of Environmental Impact assessment, analysis, design and evaluation of impacts generated by new projects and plans, changes to existing as well as develop the ability to integrate environmental issues into land planning and ​​civil protection in the shed.

The discipline aims to meet the needs of multidisciplinary training in the area of environmental impact assessment in the different phases of design, construction, operation and decommissioning of projects. Integrate vision and activities of civil protection in the various phases of the project from the perfective of prevention, planning and response, as well as their integration in the evaluation phase of the process / procedure of environmental impact assessment.


1. Framework of the discipline

2. Environmental legislation

3. Environmental Impact Assessment

  • 3.1. Basic concepts and definitions
  • 3.2. Framework and objectives
  • 3.3. Main products of environmental impact assessment
  • 3.4. Process phases

4. Monitoring report

  • 4.1. Content
  • 4.2. Parameters
  • 4.3. Periodicity

5. Environmental factors

  • 5.1. Noise
  • 5.2. Water resources
  • 5.3. Ecology

6. Cases studies




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
3rd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383128


Learning outcomes of the course unit:

1- Develop skills in the management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of training, through flexible and active methodologies adapted to the contexts in which the training is developed;

2- Develop skills in the planning of training interventions, definition of the methodological format and evaluating training;

3- Promote the acquisition, updating and improvement of skills in training practices, at its various levels;

4- Promote skills in the following areas:

  • - Design and management of training plans in specific contexts
  • - Training design and planning
  • - Conducting Diagnosis of training needs
  • - Preparation of training intervention plans
  • - Organization and promotion of training
  • - Planning of training interventions
  • - Selection of teaching methods and techniques
  • - Training planning and operationalization


1. Professional training

  • 1.1. Framework of the professional training: European and National training policies; Portuguese legislation.
  • 1.2. The National Systems of Qualifications (SNQ) and The National Catalog of Qualification (CNQ)
  • 1.3. Theoretical foundations and fundamentals concepts of professional training
  • 1.4. Types of training interventions
  • 1.5. Types of training delivery

2. The Trainer`s profile and frameworks

  • 2.1. Legal framework for the trainer activity
  • 2.2. The trainer Profile

3. Learning

  • 3.1. Essential Concepts
  • 3.2. Pedagogy and andragogy
  • 3.3. The influence of cognitive factors and styles
  • 3.4. Pedagogical creativity and entrepreneurship
  • 3.5. Differentiation in pedagogy
  • 3.6. Disruptive learning and neurolinguistics programming

4. Communication and promotion of groups in education

  • 4.1. Communication and relational behavior
  • 4.2. Diversity in the formative context

5. Pedagogical approaches and methodologies

  • 5.1. Methods and techniques
  • 5.2. Pedagogical creativity
  • 5.3. Inclusive and differentiated pedagogy and learning

6. Training Operationalization: from planning to action

  • 6.1. Competencies and learning operational objectives
  • 6.2. Designing the training and learning process

7. Learning Assessment

  • 7.1. The Concept, aims, targets and indicators
  • 7.2 Types of learning assessment
  • 7.3. Criteria and grading scales in learning assessment
  • 7.4. Reliability, validity and objectivity
  • 7.5. Assessment techniques in instruments

8. On-job training Evaluation

  • 8.1. Types of training evaluation: main characteristics and targets
  • 8.2. The participants in training evaluation: roles and competencies
  • 8.3. Gathering information: methods and instruments
  • 8.4. The Transfer of training




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
3rd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383130


The development of the Disaster Prevention and Public Health course is a dynamic process of acquisition and construction of skills with the aim that in the end the student can achieve the basic knowledge essential to the understanding of the phenomena of disasters and emergencies and their influence on the health of populations and the environment. The Students in the end of the course unit should:

- Identify and know the principal concepts of environmental and public health and the methods of intervention that allow them, in collaboration with health professionals, to develop intersectoral cooperation activities in emergencies and disasters.

- Identify the principles of health and environment risk management, epidemiological surveillance and the articulation in emergency and disasters situations.


The program contents are follows:

  • - Health / disease: evolution of concepts and practices, health as a positive value, multidisciplinary
  • - Public health: main stages of development, and its relevance to the definition of policies
  • - Community health: health determinants
  • - Health promotion and disease prevention. Key features of the Portuguese health system
  • - Health planning methodology.
  • - Transmitted and non-communicable diseases. Control methods
  • - Information systems in Health. Health indicators
  • - Environmental health. Environmental studies and Methods
  • - Preparation and alert; epidemiological surveillance and intervention
  • - Environmental impacts and effects on human health
  • - Control of diseases and of situations involving health risk. Health communication
  • - Prevention, surveillance and control of environmental health risks: water, air, housing, sewage, food, vector control, corpses, chemical, radiation and technological risks
  • - Mental health - Disaster intervention planning
  • - Study Methods and intervention in public and community health




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
3rd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383132


Form technicians and specialists with the ability to communicate during stressful situations, emergency and conflict with the media and the general public


1. Interpersonal Communication

  • 1.1. technical information
  • 1.2. techniques of body and verbal expression
  • 1.3. written expression techniques
  • 1.4. communication techniques

2. Plans Releases

  • 2.1. need to plan
  • 2.2. development of a communication plan
  • 2.3. implementation plan

3. In Times of Disaster

  • 3.1. stress management
  • 3.2. psychology of language

4. Press relations and media relations

  • 4.1. media relations
  • 4.2. press secretary and spokesman
  • 4.3. internal communication
  • 4.4. information sources

5. Contemporary Journalism

  • 5.1. ethics and deontology in journalists
  • 5.2. contemporary journalism




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
3rd Year – 1st Semester 
Código UC nº 8383133


  • 1. Introduce the study of health and safety at work through the definition and terminology of fundamental concepts;  
  • 2. Define the process of risk management, characterizing its various phases;  
  • 3. Methodologically approach each step of the risk management process and exemplify this approach;  
  • 4. Make known the contribution of professional risk control;  
  • 5. Describe, in a synthetic and descriptive way, the legal framework applicable to OSH.

It is intended that at the end of the working time with the students, that they have acquired the minimum skills to be able to understand and use in an effective way the technical and specific vocabulary of the universe of SST, as well as the ability to see and translate the spaces involving them with the technical methodologies learned in the discipline.


  • - Historical development of hygiene, safety and health at work;    
  • - Legal framework;    
  • - Fundamental concepts of HSST;    
  • - Organization of HSST services;    
  • - Risk management process;    
  • - Risk assessment;    
  • - Risk assessment methodologies;    
  • - Methods of risk control (preventive and protective);    
  • - Safety signs.




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
3rd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383135


This course intends to reflect on the importance of knowledge of the social reality of scientific way, addressing the resistance and obstacles faced in this knowledge. It discusses Human behavior, in your bio-cultural dimension explanatory element of your positioning in society. Discusses the importance of cultures and subcultures in the explaining of behaviors and attitudes that individuals, groups and communities use in their metaphysical, natural and social relations, in particular in relation to disasters and catastrophes. Promotes the understanding of the mechanisms of social representation and lack public, associating as examples case studies related to populations in areas of risk and civil protection agents.


1. Introductory concepts

  • 1.1. The Risk Society
  • 1.2. The Scientific knowledge and scientific practice
  • 1.3. Obstacle and resistance to scientific knowledge
  • 1.4. Reflective approaches to civil protection

2. Cultures and sub-cultures of the disasters

  • 2.1. Order and social cohesion
  • 2.2. Social protagonists of disasters
  • 2.3. Communities, groups and individuals: different social mechanisms
  • 2.4. Socio-technical cultural and local cultures

3. Social representations and public perceptions

  • 3.1. Concepts of Representation and perception
  • 3.2. Public perception of emergency services (civil protection agents)
  • 3.3. Civil protection agents: behaviors, safety and leadership.




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
3rd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383137


The CU (curricular unit) aims to:

  • 1. Recognize the importance of Administration and Logistics in Civil Protection and in private organizations;
  • 2. Master techniques to manage efficiently and effectively, the processes and operations within a logistics cell in response to a disaster or in a department of a private organization;
  • 3. Propose and implement planning and management / accounting tools as head of logistics, in a response cell to a disaster or in a department of a private organization.

At the end of CU students should be able to manage logistics department. Students will know the methodology and proceedings to perform the planning and evaluation for logistical support requirements in any situation.

Students will learn the sequence of steps of the logistics process and the legislation on economic classification, as well as the compliance of basic accounting principles.


1. Historical introduction to the logistics concept

2. Definition of logistics

3. Logistics vs Administration

4. Management Service support

5. Areas covered by logistics

6. Logistics management systems:

  • 6.1. FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System)
  • 6.2. MRP (Material Requirement Planning)
  • 6.3. Periodic system
  • 6.4. OPT (Optimized Production Technology)
  • 6.5. Just-in-time
  • 6.6. Public Procurement

7. Principles of logistics

  • 7.1. Principle of subordination to operational maneuver
  • 7.2. Principle of the Command Unit
  • 7.3. Principle of simplicity and sufficiency
  • 7.4. Principle of Forecast
  • 7.5. Principle of economy
  • 7.6. Principle of flexibility

8. Logistical functions (definition, objectives, principles and terminology)

  • 8.1. Replenishment
  • 8.2. Maintenance
  • 8.3. Transportation
  • 8.4. Evacuation and Hospitalization
  • 8.5. Services

9. Examples of logistical functions in calamity scenarios

10. Management of Financial resource:

  • 10.1. General principles of accounting and management principles
  • 10.2. Financial evaluation of projects

11. Human resource management

  • 11.1 Management difficulties
  • 11.2 Motivation of teams

12. Practical work - logistics and the just-in-time applied in Civil Protection

  • 12.1. Elaboration of a logistic response plan for a Civil Protection crisis situation
  • 12.2. Application of the principles of the logistics management system




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
3rd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383140


  • - Sensitize students to the diversity of threats and risks facing humanity, whatever the nature of their origins;
  • - Transmit the fundamental processes and techniques of crisis management, a civil protection perspective, industrial safety, in firms and in the background;
  • - Understand the security situation in the world, the "new" risks and threats and the security limits;
  • - Understand the new security paradigm, the link between national defense, homeland security and human security and the link between risks of natural, technological and socio-political;
  • - Understand how risk management, security, emergency planning, continuity of operations and recovery are interrelated and inserted into the wider process of crisis management;
  • - Understanding the crisis management process, in depth, the details of the planning, organization, management and control of the entire process;
  • - Understand the importance of public communication in the management of a crisis;
  • - Understand the impact of new technologies in improving the effectiveness of crisis management process;
  • - Provide students with the concepts, methods and instruments essential to the production of information and its communication on risk scenarios, emergency in civil protection scenarios;
  • - Develop in students the ability to search for information based on reflecting on the processes involved in verbal communication and interaction;
  • - Using methods of research, recording and processing of information;
  • - Enrich the oral communicative competence in writing and grammatical aspects, pragmatic, discursive-textual and socio-linguistic;
  • - Acquire techniques of oral communication and writing different specific institutional contexts;
  • - To apply different communication techniques as the social and work situations.


  • 1. Introduction to crisis management - definitions and concepts; operational perspective, the communication perspective and comprehensive perspective;
  • 2. Security in the XXI Century - the new security paradigma;
  • 3. The impact of climate change on security of the people and states;
  • 4. The new type of terrorism and its impact on civil protection system;
  • 5. State of Site and State of Emergency Regime in Portugal;
  • 6. Crisis Management Models;
  • 7. Preparation Education and training;
  • 8. Technical planning, organization and implementation of emergency operations;
  • 9. Crisis Communication: pre Plans and pro-crisis. How to act upon the Media;
  • 10. Corporate positioning and stakeholders will face crisis;
  • 11. The impact of new technologies in the process, tactics and crisis management techniques;
  • 12. Crisis management and international cooperation




Academic Year: 2020 / 2021
3rd Year – 2nd Semester 
Código UC nº 8383138


Introduce and promote the study of organizational ethics as array of knowledge of personal and professional relationships within organizations.

Define the concepts of ethics, morals and ethics, identifying similarities and differences.

Understand the bureaucratic organizations as systems of technical administrative rules and procedures, based on the division and specialization of the work, based on hierarchy and impersonal responsibilities.

Address the relationships of authority and power within the organizations, joining the leadership mechanisms. Distinguish the various types of leadership, identifying their characteristics.

The student must acquire analytical and reflective skills that enable it to be a promoter of change and enable a collaborative citizenship process.


1. Introduction to Ethics

  • 1.1. Concept of Ethics
  • 1.2. Ethics Theories
  • 1.3. Notion of Organization
  • 1.4. Ethics and deontology
  • 1.5. Work and Organizations

2. Leadership, Authority and Power

  • 2.1. Bureaucracy and bureaucratic organizations
  • 2.2 Public administration and political power
  • 2.3. Power relations
  • 2.4. Leadership: different approaches

3. Institutions and governance

  • 3.1. Public involvement and Citizenship
  • 3.2. Organizational models
  • 3.3. Firefighters: behaviors, safety and leadership.