Approved by Despacho n.º 6446/2017
Course accredited by the Agency of Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).


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Online Application    

This degree in Rehabilitation and Construction Engineering intends to ensure to future graduates specialized training, anchored in the basic sciences and technology, with a marked difference in the rehabilitation area.

This degree in Rehabilitation and Construction Engineering aims to acquire the following knowledge:

  • To design, propose and implement engineering solutions, project and work, applied to buildings;
  • Develop diagnostic studies directed at pathologies of buildings, propose methods of inspection, define monitoring strategies and prescribe appropriate rehabilitation techniques;
  • Define appropriate intervention strategies to building, recent or old, to rehabilitate;
  • Develop tender documents including technical specifications;
  • Elaborate intervention projects;
  • Take responsibilities for the direction and coordination of works;
  • Ensure that your training suits, technical and ethically, to professionals Orders which is subject to their inclusion.



Matemática I / Mathematics I 1st semester 5
Informática / Informatics   1st semester 4
Introdução à Engenharia da Construção e da Reabilitação / Introduction to Rehabilitation and Construction Engineering  1st semester 3
Desenho Técnico / Technical Drawing 1st semester 5
Economia e Gestão / Economy and Management  1st semester 4
Química / Chemistry 1st semester 5

Segurança na Construção / Safety in Construction 

1st semester 4
Matemática II / Mathematics II 2nd semester 6
Física I / Physics I  2nd semester 6
Arquitectura / Architecture 2nd semester 4
Materiais de Construção / Building Materials  2nd semester 6
Ordenamento do Território e Transportes / Territorial Management and Transports  2nd semester 4
Probabilidades e Estatística / Probabilities and Statistics  2nd semester 4
Topografia / Topography 1st Semester 4
Matemática III / Mathematics III 1st Semester 6
Física II / Physics II  1st Semester 5

Resistência dos Materiais / Materials Strength 

1st Semester 5
Segurança Contra Incêndios em Edifícios / Fire Safety in Buildings  1st Semester 5
Mecânica dos Solos e Fundações I / Soil Mechanics and Foundations I  1st Semester 5
História do Património / Heritage History  2nd Semester 3

Construção, Reabilitação e Sustentabilidade / Construction, Rehabilitation and Sustainability 

2nd Semester 3
Patologias dos Materiais, Anomalias e Diagnóstico das Construções / Materials Pathologies, Construction CCEC Abnormalities and Diagnosis  2nd Semester 5
Processos Gerais de Construção / General Construction Processes  2nd Semester 5
Estaleiros e Planeamento de Obras / Buildind Yards and Site Planning  2nd Semester 4
Análise de Estruturas / Structural Analysis  2nd Semester 5
Mecânica dos Solos e Fundações II / Soil Mechanics and Foundations II  2nd Semester 5
Betão Armado / Reinforced Concrete  1st Semester 5
Hidráulica Geral / General Hydraulics  1st Semester 4
Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Madeira / Design of Wooden Structures  1st Semester 5
Dimensionamento de Estruturas Metálicas e Mistas / Design of Steel and Composite Structures  1st Semester 6
Técnicas de Reabilitação I / Rehabilitation Techniques I  1st Semester 6
Investigação Operacional / Operacional Research  1st Semester 4
Edificações / Buildings  2nd Semester 4
Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado / Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures  2nd Semester 4
Técnicas de Reabilitação II / Rehabilitation Techniques II  2nd Semester 5
Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Aço Enformado a Frio / Design of Cold Formed Steel Structures  2nd Semester 5
Instalações em Edifícios / Facilities in Buildings  2nd Semester 4
Projecto de Intervenção / Intervention Project  2nd Semester 8